Infinite Mage (Novel) Chapter 109



“So what are you asking me to do? What difference does admitting to being brainwashed make?”

"Well... Both of you will be acquitted."

Canis' expression went blank. He himself followed Arcane to break out a criminal from Inferno. He was also responsible for endangering the lives of hundreds students of magic schools. Even if he wasn't the main instigator, acquittal was an impossible verdict.

"Acquitted...? Both of us?"

"Ah, yes. If you admit to being brainwashed, of course. After all, the association is currently focusing on the possibility of brainwashing."

If they admit it, they'll be released. They'll be free. Not only Canis, but Arin as well, they'll be able to live a new life as if nothing ever happened.

This time, Canis was at a loss. More than anything, the judgment of the association was strange. Why were they willing to release them in a situation where capturing criminals was not enough?

"Ah, and one more thing."

Sakiri looked through the files as if he had just remembered. Maybe he really had. Arin couldn't read the investigator's emotions anyway.

“Arcane's exclusive lawyer sent an official letter. It requested anonymity, but the notarization is already complete. Take a look at it. It contains his property records, will, and documents related to inheritance."

"A will?"

Sakiri pushed the documents across the table as if there was no need for words.

Canis checked each document with trembling hands. Arcane's will was nothing special. In his plain handwriting, he merely wrote down matters to be dealt with after death.

Among them was this phrase:

[Document] Transfer all property to Canis


In fact, Canis think that he was a warm-hearted person or that he secretly took care of his disciples. Rather, he was someone who confidently pushed his beliefs, so there was no falsehood in the attitude he had shown towards Canis.

Arcane proved that fact in his will. Although he didn't care about the lives of his disciples, he considered Canis as his only disciple.

Canis put down the will and checked the property records.

Real estate, including various dungeons, tangible assets like magical records, valuable artifacts, rare herbs, and the amount deposited in the bank were all neatly organized.

'1, 10, 100, thousand, ten thousand...'

Canis counted the total of the property listed at the end.

'4.8 billion gold...'

Even if it was the wealth that Archmage Arcane had accumulated over 150 years, it was a huge sum of money. As such, Canis couldn't understand the current situation. They were suddenly saying he was innocent and now he was the heir to a 4.8 billion gold inheritance.

Sakiri scratched his head with an awkward expression.

"But, there's a bit of a problem. Akein leaving his inheritance to Canis must have been a sign of acknowledging him as a disciple. But the Magic Association thinks otherwise. They think it's a kind of brainwashing, implanting a false self. In the end, they think Canis was deceived by Arcane. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to commit such a heinous thing, right? That's why the association is considering acquittal in some way. But if that happens..."

“No inheritance? Because I’m not Arcane's disciple?”

Sakiri showed a gentle expression for the first time. Of course, there was no change in his psyche as much as the tip of a hair strand.

"Yes. There's just that part. This is because the target that Arcane inherits is the brainwashed Canis, not the unbrainwashed Canis. In the end, this money will go over to illegal funds and be returned to the association, but I want to hear Canis's thoughts before that. If you admit to being brainwashed, you will be acquitted. And all you have to do is sign here.”

Sakiri held out an additional document. Canis looked at it with empty eyes.

Inheritance Renunciation Agreement.

If they admit to being brainwashed, they will be acquitted, because they are only a victim used by Arcane. However, if that happened, the property that he had inherited would pass into the hands of others.

In the end, the association chose the practicality of 4.8 billion gold rather than catching two youngsters.

"I can give you some time, but it may work against you in court. It could be taken as evidence that you're doubting your own criminal intent. Honestly, is there any doubt? You were obviously brainwashed. Why else would Canis and Arin commit such heinous crimes?"

Their head went blank. They thought they weren't afraid of fighting and dying. But the investigator says they're innocent. They feel like they've done something wrong, but they can't remember when.

'This place is no different from Ladum.'

The outside world was also not a greenhouse with the sun shine upon it. It was just a battlefield where huge desires swirled around under the guise of law.

When Canis hesitated to answer, Sakiri clicked his tongue and stood up.

"Then I'll give you some time. About an hour..."

“I will sign.”

Sakiri, who had half-risen from his seat, stopped in his tracks. He then sat back down with a smile.

"You made the right decision. Now, here..."

Sakiri handed over the fountain pen he used. Canis wrote their name in the signature field of the renunciation agreement.

With a creak, the pen scraped the paper. Sakiri accepted the pen with a hearty smile and confirmed the renunciation agreement.

"Congratulations on regaining your freedom. It's a bit late to say this, but you made the right choice. If you had hired a lawyer, things would have become more complicated."

A lawyer. They hadn't even thought about it. Should they have hired a lawyer?

No, Sakiri wasn't lying.

If the Magic Association was an easy target, they wouldn't have pushed the renunciation agreement in the first place.

"What do we do now?"

"Well, for starters, just leave. You're free."

Canis and Arin were now as poor as church mice. But Sakiri didn't seem to care, as he only took the documents and turned around.

"Where do we go for release procedures..."

“There is nothing like that. You can just go.”

With an attitude as if shooing away a bothersome salesperson, Canis understood their true feelings.

From the beginning, the Magic Association didn't care about people like them. It was only about 2 hours to take care of the hassle to get back Arcane's property.

What was more miserable than hurting their pride was the unstoppable power of the association, which they knew about. They could feel how amazing Arcane, who had fought with the countries of the continent, was.

Canis regained his composure. Now it has become self-evident. He himself is a battle mage. And since he knew how to fight, there was no more hesitation.

“Hey, you.”

Sakiri turned his head in front of the door.

“Did you call?”

“Are you a mage too?”

“Hmm, you can say that. All the staff of the Magic Association are mages.”

“What rank are you in?”

“It’s official 5th-rank?”

Canis could imagine the level of his enemies. The investigator of the Magic Association was a certified 5th rank, and that was the man.

"I won't end here. I will never give up like this."

"I see. That's right. Then, let's go."

"Someday, I will definitely... make you my subordinate."

Sakari, who was turning the doorknob, stopped moving. And after thinking for a moment, he turned to Canis and smiled thinly.

"You should study hard for that. Actually, this position has an unusually high competition rate. But if that situation ever comes..."

Sakiri put his right hand on his chest and said. (Still not sure it is a He or a She. Will ask other later.)

"I will be counting on you then."

Despite the investigator's unusual attitude, Canis did not respond. He only realized how pragmatic Sakiri was. It didn't cost any money to bow one's head. After all, no one knows the future.

As Sakiri left, Arin turned to Canis with a smile. Anyway, they were acquitted, so there was nothing wrong. Wasn't it better than rotting in jail for a lifetime with 4.8 billion gold in their arms?

"Canis, you made the right choice."

"There are... many strong people in the world."

The corners of Canis's mouth went up slightly. His heart was now pounding as intensely as when he first met Arcane with a new goal.

"Arin, let's become stronger."


Arin looked at the door Sakiri where had left. Canis would return here someday. Since this was not their end, she could also move forward to the future.

Sakiri, who left the interrogation room, went straight to the inspector's office. The situation was resolved quickly compared to the seriousness of the case. Arcane's death played a big role. There were no legal conflicts, and Alpheas's confession of guilt also significantly contributed.

The inspector's office was a luxurious room with a marble floor. A man known as the legendary Iron Inspector of the Inspection Division 3 was leaning back and looking out the window.

“Inspector-nim, these are the settlement documents for this case.”

“Leave it on the desk.”

Sakiri put the folder on the desk. Normally, he would leave at this point, but this time he couldn't suppress his curiosity and turned around at the door.

"Is it okay to leave the Alpheas case like this?"

"Why? Do you think there will be any issues from the higher-ups?"

“Six months of suspension is on the weak side. However, I don't think there will be any issues. It was an incident that happened 40 years ago, there was no intent to harm, and considering 4.8 billion gold as jewelry, it seems like an appropriate settlement."

“Then why do you ask?”

Asking back meant he’s asking something obvious. Sakiri regretted causing unnecessary trouble but decided not to back down since the topic was brought up.

"I was wondering if there was any meaning of atonement in the decision."

The inspector was silent for a long time. Then, he slowly turned his body and looked at Sakiri.

"I did feel sorry for Alpheas. However, I have never decided on a criminal's punishment based on personal feelings."

"I apologize. It was a slip of the tongue."

"Stop asking and leave."

Sakiri was at a loss and hurriedly left the inspector's office. He was a notorious investigator to criminals, but within the association, he was just a mage who had to heed his superiors.

The inspector opened the file and carefully reviewed the sentences. Then, he took out a fountain pen and signed the document. Numerous memories flashed through his mind. He had become an old man with white hair, but the memory of being hit by Alpheas at his house still made his jaw ache.

“Damn it. That's why I should have brought a present.”

He had never visited Alpheas since he made a mistake with Erina, but he lived without accepting the fact that he had lost.

However, over the past 40 years, the photon quantum theory continues to evolve and innovate, changing the world even at this very moment.

He had no choice but to admit how much genius Alpheas had accomplished at the time.

"Haha. It's a belated gift. The Gold Circle was rightfully yours."

The inspector engraved his signature on the document.

Ardiano Saroph.

End-of-Semester Report Card (1)

The end of the semester had come, the time when magic school students were most nervous. Half a year's worth of achievements were condensed into a single sheet of paper. The cut-off line that determined promotion and failure was terrifying like a guillotine.

Alpheas was sentenced to 6 months of suspension as a teacher by the Magic Association. The legal effect would not start until the next semester, and for now, Collie, the most senior among the teachers, was acting as the principal.

Alpheas, who was clearing weeds from the flowerbed, straightened his back and smiled. His cute students were walking towards him from a distance. Shirone, Iruki, and Nade. They were now well-known troublemakers at the school, but they were also students with a promising future.

“Hello, Principal.”

"Haha. Didn't I tell you not to call me principal? For now, I'm just a grandfather doing odd jobs."

"Come on. You'll be the Principal again in just six months."

Alpheas simply smiled. He was grateful to the students who still supported him, but at the same time, he couldn't help feeling that he didn't deserve it.

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