Infinite Mage (Novel) Chapter 126



"Hey, welcome to Galliant. Are you here on vacation?"

Jis raised his hand in a friendly tone. Regardless of their noble status, the manual of this world was to not use honorifics towards the victims.

In a way, it was like risking your life to earn money, but even if they were to get into trouble, they would only have to lay low for about a month.

It was because there were few cases in which those who came to play from across the sea returned back to inflict harm.

"Yes, I came to play with my friends."

Shirone smiled and welcomed him. Amy, on the other hand, was blatantly frowned. She knew why they were approaching because she had been in touch with the world of darkness as she commanded some back alleys thugs in her childhood.

"You seem to be students. What school? Surely a prestigious school?"

“It is Alpheas Magic School.”

"Aha! I know there. Many come to play because it's close."

Amy regretted it. Even revealing that she was a student was a problem, but it was no different from being eaten if she revealed her alma mater.

"But you people have good physiques for a mage."

"What? We're from the Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy! We're tall because we're swords warrior, you idiot!"

As Jis expected, Tess was furious. She was proud of her figure, but she didn't want to hear that she was big and bundled with Rian.

"Haha! Sorry. I have no tact. I was trying to compliment you, maybe you took it the wrong way."

Jis thought it was over. The reason why these scoundrels could be proud even in front of the nobles was because they were not bound by the rules set by the world.

On the other hand, the noble was in a position where there was quite a lot that bound them. Alpheas Magic School and Kaizen Swordsmanship Academy were known for their discipline. If they caused trouble at a tourist spot, they wouldn't be able to avoid punishment.

"Anyway, welcome. I'm Jis, the local guide. If you hire me, I can handle everything from sightseeing to lodging."

"We haven't finished discussing yet. We'll think about it."

Shirone repeated what he had said to the tout who had approached them so far.

But the Jis gang was different from them. Since he had already caught their weakness, he persisted and insisted on hiring his group.

"Oh, why are you doing this? You attend a good school, so you must have money, right? We're really poor people. You came to spend money anyway?"

It was only then that Shirone realized that he was no mere tout. Rian's and Tess's eyes seemed to realize the same, and their gaze cooled down.

Jis' friends, who met the swords warrior's eyes, flinched and retreated. But Jis didn't bat an eye.

'Huhu, they can't do anything to us anyway.'

Having been a tout since he young and grew older, he was keen on inland information.

Alpheas Magic School strictly forbids the use of magic outside of their precinct. Since the magic school was like that, it went without saying for the Swordsmanship Academy, which emphasizes chivalry.

Of course, there were times when they was caught and beaten by a bad-tempered student, but wouldn't he have to endure such thing to make ends meet? Moreover, based on such experience, Jis's tightrope walking skills had already reached the peak.

"Don't worry and just trust me. I'll tell you the most fun way to play on Galliant Island. Let's go. What kind of man doesn't have any guts? Sprinkle some money in front of the beautiful ladies. Huh? You're going, right? Then I'll carry the luggage?"

"Just a moment! We'll discuss one last time."

"Phew, alright. But it'd be really bad if you decline after coming this far."

Jis was already holding their heavy luggage in both hands.

Shirone looked at her friends with an awkward expression. This was their first time dealing with such a situation, and Jis' attitude straddled a line that made it hard to confront him openly.

"What should we do? Should we rely on this guy?"

"He knows our school name. That's why he's so bold. He knows we can't act recklessly."

Hearing Amy's words, Tess' annoyance rose. It was an underhanded method, but it was definitely effective. By her nature, she should have thrown a punch already, but the fact that she was still holding back her anger was enough proof.

Rian, on the other hand, showed no particular concern. The only criterion he had in mind was Shirone's safety.

"I don't really care. If Shirone wants, I'll just follow him. If he tries to force us even after Shirone says he doesn't want to, then I'll just beat him up."

For Rian, this trip was not just a vacation. This was the first time he was out of town with Shirone after his Knight’s Oath. One day, you will encounter countless situations like this, so it was good to experience this and that in advance for the future.

"Ah~ my arm hurts. Can't you decide quickly? All this is costing money too."

"That jerk is really!"

Shirone stopped Tess from approaching Jis. As long as the school's honor was at stake, he wanted to avoid unnecessary violence.

"Alright. We'll hire you. How much will it cost?"

"Haha! Good decision. I'll give you a special discount because it's you. Just give me 5 gold."

"Huh? 5 gold?”

Shirone widened his eyes. 5 gold only to hire a guide. It was an outrageous ripoff. He don't know the living cost of the island, but no matter how expensive it was, it didn't seem like it would exceed 1 gold.

"Isn't that too expensive?"

"Eh, what are you saying? I'm telling you, if you pay 5 gold, you don't have to do anything, I'll take care of it all. I'll rent you a carriage, arrange lodging, and show you around tourist attractions. It's cheap enough.”

Amy was annoyed. From the start, she didn't want to make a fuss, so she stayed still, but now that he has found their weak point, he even intends to wring them dry.

They probably wouldn't even be a proper guide. Besides, even if he did, 5 gold would be an extravagant amount ten times the market price.

'Haa, this is why you should have cut the grass to the root.'

Amy remembered the past and regretted. Why did she forget? The fact that kind of people will only grow bolder if not dealt with firmly.

“But no matter how much, 5 gold is a bit....”

“This is a tourist destination. Of course, it is more expensive than the market price.”

"Um, even so..."

"Forget it. Let's just give it to him and go somewhere else."

Amy rummaged through her pockets. It would backfire to have those kinds of people around. If they backed off once, they'd certainly ask for more money, taking advantage of their perceived weakness.

"Here, take these 5 gold and get lost."

Amy threw gold coins at Jis' feet. Brilliant golden coins bounced at his feet.

"Wow! Gold coins! Real gold coins!"

Jis's friends hurriedly picked up the gold coins that had fallen on the ground. Jis, on the other hand, did not move as if he had frozen.

If someone else had scattered the money, they might have picked it up and ran away, just like their friends. But in front of her gaze, which was like staring at a bug, he couldn't crawl around on the ground at all.

"......What are you doing now? Are we beggars?"

“Are you any different? I don’t need a guide or anything, so just disappear right in front of my eyes.”

"Is this for real! You've said that all?"

"Now, wait a moment. Let's not get excited......"

Shirone tried to intervene with a puzzled expression. It's upsetting to be ripped off, but he didn't expect Amy to come out this way either.

"Shirone, it's okay. He asked for it. What can this little thing do? They're just scam artists. They'll use the excuse of showing us around to rip us off more. They're human trash who won't reform."

Jis' friends flinched. Their business was exactly as described.

Shirone frowned and turned around.

"Amy, stop it."

"What do you mean stop? We gave in, and they think we're scared and backing off? Rather, at this place..."

"But still, stop it."

Amy finally closed her mouth. Since Shirone wasn’t a noble, he might have felt uncomfortable seeing the scene from earlier.

But if they didn't do something like this, those guys would latch on like leeches, sucking their blood until they die.

Jis gritted his teeth and held back his anger. It was a life he had endured with only his pride. No matter how much he was insulted by the nobles, his heart was never broken.

“Ji- Jis. Let's stop and go. We got the money.”

"Give it back."

"Huh? What?"

"Give back the gold. Do you want to be treated like this? Don't you have any pride as men of the island?"

Jis took the gold coins from his friends one by one. Indeed, the hefty weight thrilled him just by holding it.

But he clenched his fists as if to suppress his desire. Then he turned his cold eyes to Amy.

"Hmm, arrogant nobles. I'm really envious of you guys throwing around 5 gold. How does that feel? I can't even imagine, can I?"

Jis raised his chin as if to show off and scattered the gold coins in front of Amy's feet. The coins emitted a brilliant light and rolled around the area.

"Aha? Is this what it feels like? It's fantastic. Guys, let's go."

Jis took his friends and went into an alley.

Amy was speechless at their audacity. However, the objects of her ire had already disappeared.

"Ugh, those guys... Shirone, why did you stop me? Those guys need to be taught a lesson."

"I know. But if you really don't like it, you can express your anger or refuse. There was no need to go this far."

"What do you mean? Are you saying I look down on people because I have money?"

“I don’t think so. But it ended up looking like that."

"Do you still say that even knowing what kind of guys they are? You were also bullied when you were young, right?"

Shirone bit his lip. Perhaps Amy was right. But no matter how despicable the other party was, he didn't want to see her demeaning other people's dignity.

"It's okay. Let's go. Let's get a carriage first."

When Shirone didn't say anything, Amy turned around and walked away. Tess, who was looking at her, scratched her head with a troubled expression.

"This. The situation has become ambiguous.”


Entering the alleyway of Port 3, Jis quarreled with his friends. They was supposed to get their share when the ship came in, but now that all the visitor had gone out, all they could do was argue.

“Jis! Why the hell we give that money back! 5 gold is a lot, we could live for days without paying any tribute."

"Don't you have any pride? He throws money in front of us and you want to take it like beggars?"

"So what? Money is money after all."

"I can't do it like that. Damn girl! Even if she ignores me, I have self-respect!"

Jis clenched his fists and trembled. But his friends could not understand him. What was it that was bothering him?

Of course, the behavior of the woman who threw away the money was a great humiliation to them, but the arrogant attitude of the nobles was not a recent thing anyway.

“Jis, be honest. Did you have a crush on her?”

"What? Why would I like such a girl?"

"You always uphold your pride in front of a girl you like. But that girl is a noble. It can't ever work out, and seeing how she easily gives out 5 gold, she must be of a very high rank among the nobles."

"So what? So what if she's a noble? I am Jis. I am destined to be the ruler of the harbor!"

At that moment, they heard footsteps from the dark corner of the alley. At the distinctive sound of the studs on the soles of boots hitting the ground, Jis' hair stood on end.

So did his friends. There was only one person in the harbor who made the sound of footsteps like this.

"Hey, Jis."

He was a middle-aged man of sturdy build. A fierce impression with a sharp gaze like a venomous snake. It was Falkoa, the leader of the Freeman Gang, the gang that Jis and his friends belonged to.

Jis shuddered. Falkoa was cruel. He didn't care about getting hit, befitting his penchant for violence. Whether the odds were 10 to 1 or 100 to 1, he would charge in and hit whoever he could. It was not for no reason that he was known as the madman of Galliant.

"Ah, Brother Falkoa. Hello."

Falkoa stroked his chin and wrapped his arms around Jis. A disgusting smell stung Jis' nostrils. As a drug addict, he never took the pipe out of his mouth.

"Give it. You got the money, right?"

"Ah, that... uh, it's not there."

"Not there?"

There was a cold light in Falkoa's eyes. Anticipating that they would have to pay for this, Jis' friends fell to the ground.

“Spa- Spare me! Those kids said they wouldn't take our carriage! We stuck to them till the end but got threatened......"

"Is that so? Then what was that you threw earlier? Was that not money but shit?"

Jis' heart sank. He pretended not to know, but it seemed he had been watching from the beginning to the end.

Was this how a frog feels when bitten by a snake's fangs? His breathing became strained due to fear.

“Haha, what do I do with these cute things?”

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