Regressor of the Fallen Family (Novel) Chapter 241


Chapter 241.

Step by step.

Walking along the hallway of the palace, adorned with magnificent pieces of art, strolled a youthful man. He was a good-looking individual, fitting perfectly in his court attire embellished with golden dragons sewn with shiny gold threads. Despite his charming appearance, those who crossed paths with him were shocked and quickly bowed their heads.

With jet-black hair, dark eyes, and golden skin, he bore the distinctive features of the imperial family's direct lineage, and the golden dragon symbol was reserved solely for those belonging to the imperial clan.

Hence, it was customary for people to bow deeply at a 90-degree angle whenever they encountered the young man, even if they were unfamiliar with his face.

"Ah! Please forgive me."

"Respects to the esteemed one!"

"It's all right. Carry on with your duties."

Despite the formal reactions of the people, the young man greeted them with a smile, and as he passed by, the remaining servants and nobles nodded in approval at his confident and composed departure.

"Is that the Second Prince?"

"Yes. They say he's a strong contender for the throne..."

"He truly stands out."

Though their words sounded like whispers, the discreet magic habitually utilized by the Second Prince transmitted their conversations directly to him.

With a faint smile.

This magic, which had become a routine for identifying targets for purges or rewards, today brought him a lighthearted smile.

However, both his self-assured demeanor and his unwavering stride began to shift slightly as he approached a particular location.

A somewhat tense expression.

And more cautious steps.

As the Second Prince reached the door marked with the golden dragon, he silently nodded to the knight standing guard, who then announced his presence.

"His Highness Baros Van Ares requests an audience."

- Allow him to enter.

With a deep voice, the door swung open, and the Second Prince Baros Van Ares took a deep breath before cautiously stepping into the room.

And there he saw someone.

The imposing figure seated on the throne with an angular face and peculiarly shimmering black eyes.

The instant their gazes met, the Second Prince immediately prostrated himself.

"I am in the presence of His Imperial Majesty."

"Rise, Baros."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Do you have something to report?"

"It concerns the eastern border nation that changed its name from Grandia to the Kingdom of McLaine."

"Ah, the land of that boy Logan, is it not? The Kingdom of McLaine?"

"They underwent a change in leadership due to Logan McLaine's coup."

"I see..."

A chuckle.

"Is that so. A king, huh? Enlisting him seems to be out of the question now."

Despite the unfolding events, was the Emperor lamenting this development?

Internally, the Second Prince scoffed at the Emperor's insatiable thirst for talent.

Naturally, outwardly, he refrained from displaying this sentiment, calmly relaying only the information he was aware of.

"As soon as he assumed the throne, he significantly raised taxes to build up a royal army."


"Given his swift actions, he appears to be an ambitious young monarch. If left unchecked, he could pose a significant obstacle to 'that plan.'"

Deliberately omitting the report that the harsh policies might lead to self-destruction.

Preparations should always consider worst-case scenarios.

Now that it was evident this was not a talent the Emperor could harness, the latter's sole concern was likely 'that plan,' potentially years down the line.

Fortunately, upon mentioning it, a glint of interest sparked in the normally indifferent eyes of the Emperor.

"Hmm. What do you suggest?"

"I would like to proceed with the plan I previously mentioned. Kindly grant your approval."

Eyes as dark as night briefly met.

And then the Emperor nonchalantly nodded.

"Very well, it may be worth a try."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Once again bowing deeply, the Second Prince exited the Emperor's chambers with a slightly lighter step than when he had entered.

* * *

"Things have been rather foreboding of late."

"I hear the commoners are criticizing the king, claiming survival has become challenging."

"People seem quick to anger nowadays, resulting in disputes over trivial matters..."

The conversations continued, none of them carrying positive tones.

Yet despite their words, the speakers' faces were full of smiles when they made eye contact.

"Hahaha, indeed, those simple-minded individuals below us are easily manageable. We collect taxes, and the king bears the blame."

"As if only they would engage in such behavior. The king himself is no exception. Tax hikes, military expansion, extensive winter projects. There is a limit to mismanagement."

"Well, it works to 'our' advantage, does it not?"


The jovial voices once again filled the parlor.

'Indeed, it benefits us the most, particularly me.'

Jacques Juan concealed his true emotions and responded with a polished smile to the two individuals grinning before him.

His co-conspirator Ivan Claude and the contentious Mike Teroda.

Though their approaches differed, Jacques, also an earl from a neighboring estate, had decided to collaborate with them to rally more noble support.

Naturally, since he had spearheaded the entire scheme, the lower-ranking nobles viewed him as their leader—a position that the two men, currently laughing and considering him their equal, would eventually acknowledge with bowed heads.

"There is, however, a slight cause for concern."

"Oh? Please elaborate, Count Mike."

"That dam construction. I've heard it has brought several benefits to the McLaine region, but if it is successfully finished, it could significantly boost the royal treasury's income, correct? This might enable the maintenance of that army, which worries me."

Ah, not entirely clueless then?

Jacques Juan elegantly sipped his tea, concealing his contempt, before slowly addressing the matter.

"You raise a valid point. Indeed, in the future, that may transpire."

Sensing the pointed nature of his words.

"Are you implying an alternative course of action?"

With a now serious expression, Mike Teroda scratched his nose resembling a beak.

"The dam construction, aimed at transforming barren land into arable fields, does appear impressive even to me. However, apart from the McLaine area, there have been no substantial outcomes thus far."

"The ongoing construction in the McLaine territory..."

"Have you heard about the wages provided to the laborers?"

"And what of it?"

"It is said that due to the challenging winter conditions, they are paying the workers 30% more than the standard rate. Additionally, they are offering food and lodging to nearly 10,000 laborers."

"That's preposterous."

A derisive chuckle.

"Yes. The king is undertaking such ludicrous actions. If that is the extent of investment, even with the transformation of wasteland into fields, it is unlikely they will recoup the construction expenses in the first year's harvest. With initial yields being meager, it will undoubtedly take several years unless some miraculous intervention occurs."

"Nevertheless, wouldn't stability eventually be achieved after a few years?"

"My proposal is to demand the dissolution of that army based on the amassed influence and public sentiment of the nobility before that point arrives. And the well-trained troops the king has diligently raised, 'we' can utilize them effectively."


As Mike Teroda genuinely admired the plan, Jacques Juan savored a sense of triumph, raising his wine glass.

"The king's downfall heralds a new era for us. We simply need to follow that path, correct?"

In response to his quasi-toast, Ivan and Mike joined in with laughter.

'A new era, my era approaches.'

Jacques Juan chuckled heartily, feeling the ambition that had been simmering within him for some time.

* * *

Before the onset of the new year, the subjects of the McLaine Kingdom faced truly challenging times.

The king's imposition of higher taxes meant that the populace, unable to stockpile provisions as in previous years, feared surviving the winter months, let alone the upcoming agricultural season.

Yet amidst this hardship, one place buzzed with activity, starkly contrasting the negative rumors circulating.

This bustling location was the dam construction site in the western wastelands, designed to establish a water distribution system.

"Dig deeper on that side!"

"Good! Just a bit more!"

"Leave the large rocks to the magicians!"

The faces of nearly 10,000 workers digging trenches, hauling stones, and bustling at the mountain's base were all aglow with enthusiasm.

It was a scene of inexplicable vigor from a distance.

The ground, frozen solid and even tougher to excavate than just a few months earlier, coupled with the bone-chilling weather that nipped at any exposed skin, would have deterred many.


"I've sent plenty of provisions back home, so no worries there. My daughter even wrote saying they're eating well!"

"Working diligently here means my family can enjoy a comfortable winter. It feels more peaceful than farming."

"They mentioned a bonus if we complete the task early. Let's finish before the next planting season!"

"Absolutely, let's keep our spirits high!"

It was a sight where the workers themselves, not overseers, motivated one another.

Logan's smile widened as he approached the site, overhearing the voices from afar.

"The mage and the Hammer foreman seem absent. I shall dispatch someone to find them."

"No need for that. It's more crucial to finish the project promptly. I will go to them directly."


Though certain formalities were unavoidable since becoming king, Logan had no inclination to uphold such practices outside the palace walls.

"Avoid the workers as much as possible and take a less crowded route."

Such precautions were unnecessary.

Observing the discontent on his knights' faces, Logan still opted for a quieter path, understanding the paramount importance of swiftly completing the dam.

Despite taking a circuitous route, it was impossible for the workers to miss the fluttering royal banner.

However, as no one dared to venture near the vicinity of that esteemed flag, the first to acknowledge Logan's presence were the dwarves toiling on the dam gates and the mages from the Golem Tower.

"Your, Your Majesty?!"

"Halt the operations!"

"His Majesty has arrived!"

As the commotion escalated, Logan, who was striding purposefully, halted in his tracks.

Then, a familiar mage approached with a somewhat fatigued expression.

"Your Majesty. Why have you come unannounced?"

"No need to cease work on my account, Greck. Carry on with your tasks. Where are Clayton and Hammer?"

"They are inside the mountain range, conducting an internal assessment."

"Very well. I shall proceed in that direction."

"I-I'll guide you."

"No need. Continue your work."

Leaving the flustered Greck behind, Logan made his way toward the tunnel carved into the mountainside.

The setting, both unfamiliar and reminiscent, softened the stern look on Logan's face, eliciting a faint smile.

'I recall being genuinely thrilled when I first constructed a dam in McLaine.'

Though Hammer would have been displeased had he known back then, Logan truly felt that excitement.

The weight of responsibility looming as the deadline approached, coupled with the burdensome crown, seemed to have dimmed his laughter.

- If you rise to a higher position, I fear you may face even greater challenges.

The words of his loyal attendant resonated within him, yet...

'This is the path I have chosen. Only a few years remain until the ultimate trial. I must endure, and then, I will laugh freely.'

With renewed determination, Logan soon spotted familiar faces emerging before him.

'There is much yet to be done beyond this point.'

For the new king, a backlog of tasks awaited completion throughout the winter.

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